How an Attorney Helps You Get Compensation from Insurance Companies


In case of a personal injury, you are liable to claim damages from the insurance company. But when the person is injured, the first thing is to get medical care. By first aid and subsequent treatment by a medical practitioner at a nursing home or hospital, the injured person is likely to be relaxed and comfortable. The initial shock goes away and the anxiety due the injury subsides. At this juncture the person can think about hiring an attorney and claiming compensation from the insurance company. Let us see how an attorney can help.


The anonymous attorney can guide you about the process of getting the claim from the insurance company. He would have a look at the Doctor’s prescription and discuss with you about the accident. If the injury has been caused due to the negligence of a third party, he would help in filing a third party claim. Also all the medical bills and prescriptions would have to be preserved. The personal injury attorney would also get an estimate from the doctor for the likely number of days that you would be out of action.


The personal injury lawyer collects the evidence from the injury spot and also interviews the witnesses for their first-hand account of the accident. This helps in substantiating your claim from the insurance company. They know the legal clauses and language to be mentioned in the claim form. The insurance company finds it hard to challenge it and reduce the claim in any way. Visit to read about solicitors.

Pain and suffering

Bedsides the medical expenses the insurance company is liable to compensate for pain, suffering and mental anguish faced by the injured. They use the “per diem” or the “multiplier” method for the calculation. However, it is very difficult to quantify the compensation due to pain and suffering. Good personal injury attorneys are aware of the compensation deals that they have got for their clients from the insurance company and can get the same for you. He will also take care of the loss of pay due to injury if you are employed.

Statute of limitations

Every state has its statute of limitations. The personal injury claim must be filed within the stipulated time frame as defined by the statute of limitations. Your lawyer is well aware of the state laws and will file the claim on time and leave you free from stress.

By these steps you can see very clearly the role that an attorney plays in getting the compensation from the insurance company. More info about these professionals may be found on their website.

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